woah... for about, at least, the last two years my closests friends had heard me (though some or most of them believing i was just kinda... crazy, nuts, paranoid, idiot, or ...whatever) talking to them about some of the next steps of the 9/11 perpetrators...
i remember very well their astonishment when i said they were probably going to push it further, passing "patriotic bills to fight the terror threat" errasing all citzens rights, increasing some "needs" to all the warfare stuff, with some contractors making more and more billions or trillions, and that they were going to sustain that absurd and stupid war hoax in the middle east, stealing their oil fields, building up that very well planned pipeline throughout the caspian sea ...and that they were going to nuke Iran (a few months or just some weeks or even days after being "nuked by fundamentalists Iranians" (or somehow... anything even worse than that 9/11 hoax nonsense) ...AND i do remember their faces when i said they were going to fuck down USA economy... and about this stuff in particular all my friends uses to ask me: what for? why should they do this? well... now we're going to see! anyway, i do have my own guess... but... i think you should learn by yourself. ...i have just an advice: do your homework, get informed, dig the truth, search for good sources of information, be aware that it's not on the mainstream media! ...AND if you MIND... about anything to make this planet a better place (at least to our children or grandchildren) to live... i think that (not to say "just" we should) WE MUST LEARN about it all, THINK about it, TALK about it, and SPREAD it away... and SHARE all information we can! and we must TAKE ACTION NOW!!! cause they're really doing very well their nice fucking job!
(from NufffRespect) "...This is an emergency bulletin from AdvocacyCorporation. I have re-posted it here so so that we can inform as many people as possible about what YouTube is doing. It explains why many truth channels are being suspended by YouTube for no apparent reason. YouTube as a company is being FORCED and PRESSURED by the federal government to impose this censorship.
Please spread this video around. Upload it to your channel, send it to all your YouTube friends, add it to your favorites, do whatever you can to let people know about this. On the other hand, if you dont care about this subject, and you're happy for YouTube to contain only crappy brain-dead videos showing things like a cat riding a skateboard, or some girl wiggling her butt in front of her webcam, then do nothing.
USA180 - Emergency Bulletin:
YouTube Makes Sen. Lieberman Happy With New Anti-Terrorism Guidelines
Listen up people, they are implementing parts of S1959 - The Homegrown Terrorism Act - It HAS NOT PASSED THE SENATE. The language is the same. It's "Force or Violence" to promote a religious, social or political belief. Under this law if you stop someone on the street and hand them a Bible you can be considered a TERRORIST. If you advocate action against a corporation or the government you can be considered a TERRORIST.
If we don't stop this here at YouTube and raise a HUGE CONCERN right now - they will pass S1959. They will rationalize that we will ACCEPT the censorship and go further. While the request of Senator Lieberman SEEMS reasonable the bill itself has so many holes that you could interpret it MANY different ways. There are videos on this - I suggest you watch them or go to http://www.USA180.org and look at our analysis of the bill itself. We have to act NOW and get this message EVERYWHERE. Create your own video. ACT!"
Quoting article:
"In May this year, Sen. Joseph Lieberman demanded YouTube to block videos depicting assassinations, death of US soldiers, as well as weapon training and speeches that encourage violence and could be used as a tool to create homegrown terrorists."
"...no local da tragédia, o presidente george w. bush vai prestar uma homenagem às vítimas da tragédia que levou os estados unidos à guerra com o iraque e o afeganistão: a chamada guerra ao terror, que dura até hoje" (...) "também estarão presentes ao local os canditatos à presidência americana, g. walker mccain e george w. obama... blá blá blá blá blá blá blá blá blá"
filhos da puta! pensei minutos atrás, enquanto ouvia na TV da padaria a já famosa cantilena oficial do onze de setembro... rezada pelos jornalistas imbecis, sem qualquer sombra de questionamento ou dúvida, como um press release muito bem ensaiado, repetido em tom solene pelo boneco idiota que se passa por jornalista:
"há sete anos aconteceu uma da maiores tragédias da humanidade... dezenove seqüestradores islâmicos comandados pela al-qaeda de osama bin laden, atacaram os estados unidos, derrubando as duas torres gêmeas... blá blá blá blá blá blá blá blá blá"
OH FUCK! OH FUCK! OH FUCK! FUCK YOU ALL... SONS OF A BUSH!!!! (and all your dumb silence and fear) cause you let THEM do this ...not giving a fucking shit to what they are doing to so many poor people stealing their lives, countries, ...and resources
fortunately, there are others who really care about the real tragedy...
light duty (but) fighters (...truthers)
...and the heavy duty fighters are on those videos bellow!
...com cafuné, qualquer lugar é ideal e... todo momento é perfeito!
"...in love, every moment is perfect and... any place's ideal!"
*Paraphrase (IPA: /ˈpærəˌfreɪz/) is restatement of a text or passage, using other words. The term "paraphrase" derives via the Latin "paraphrasis" from the Greekpara phraseïn, meaning "additional manner of expression".
Marcos Freitas was born in Pernambuco in 1963, lives in Sao Paulo, Artist and Art Teacher, founder of Illusions & Mistakes Studio (1997). The main feature in his work is a dialogue with a wide variety of art expressions.
Marcos Freitas, pernambucano de 1963, residente em São Paulo, Artista Plástico e Arte-Educador, fundador do Atelier Enganos e Ilusões (1997). Tem como principal característica de seu trabalho o diálogo com as mais diversas expressões e linguagens das artes.
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