Long time no see but always in my mind... what beautiful things you make... and I personally agree with Dostoyevsky "Beauty shall save the world"... please continue being the being who brings us beauty in each and every thing! bjs saudadonas Vicky
wow! yes Rafé, it's an invention of mine, inspired by Indian instruments, and it has no "official" name yet... but, i'm calling it as kaliphono due the nice sounds it produces (kali = beauty / phonos = sound)
hey, thanks Vicky! how long ahn!? my dear russian friend, i'll contact you soon to update the news! and, of course, for a coffee! ahahah miss you too! kisses
Marcos Freitas was born in Pernambuco in 1963, lives in Sao Paulo, Artist and Art Teacher, founder of Illusions & Mistakes Studio (1997). The main feature in his work is a dialogue with a wide variety of art expressions.
Marcos Freitas, pernambucano de 1963, residente em São Paulo, Artista Plástico e Arte-Educador, fundador do Atelier Enganos e Ilusões (1997). Tem como principal característica de seu trabalho o diálogo com as mais diversas expressões e linguagens das artes.
wow..you made that? What's the name of such instrument
Hello Dear Friend,
Long time no see but always in my mind... what beautiful things you make... and I personally agree with Dostoyevsky "Beauty shall save the world"... please continue being the being who brings us beauty in each and every thing!
yes Rafé, it's an invention of mine, inspired by Indian instruments, and it has no "official" name yet... but, i'm calling it as kaliphono due the nice sounds it produces (kali = beauty / phonos = sound)
hey, thanks Vicky! how long ahn!? my dear russian friend, i'll contact you soon to update the news! and, of course, for a coffee! ahahah miss you too!
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